Published On: 26/11/2018By Categories: Sin categorizar


Updated on 22-10-2020 by Marcos Fernández.


One of the latest trends in digital technology is augmented reality, which more and more companies are incorporating into their marketing and advertising strategies, due to the numerous benefits that it brings. Discover what advantages Augmented Reality has and how it can be applied to marketing with examples that we show you below.

Advantages of Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality superimposes information about an image of the real world and provides additional content when viewing an object, unlike Virtual Reality, in which everything we see has been created by a computer. Therefore, Augmented Reality gives to the user a complete and unique experience, combining the ‘real’ and virtual elements with which they can interact in real time using their smartphone, tablet or laptop.

Among the advantages of incorporating Augmented Reality into a digital marketing strategy, including the following:

  • Increased of the user engagement with the brand: by offering a new experience, the consumer will be attracted to the brand. At the same time, a link is established and the brand memory is reinforced, something essential due to the advertising saturation to which a consumer is currently exposed.
  • Differentiation with the competitors, by using innovative techniques and generating expectation to promote a product.
  • Revolution in the way you buy: With the augmented reality you can make the choice of your product in a more agile way. Trying on a pair of shoes while changing the colour, model or different aspects will be easier.
    For example, Nike offers from its App a function that helps you to find the perfect size of your shoes and generates some recommendations according to its analysis.
  • Returns are reduced: According to a study carried out by GetApp, 46% of consumers who make their purchase through augmented reality return fewer items than if they had bought it without the technology. This generates a very significant cost reduction for the company. The study also shows that 80% of those who participated admit that they will go to shops much less often if this technology is implemented.

As you see, Augmented Reality has incredible potential. Digi-Capital forecasts the AR market to reach $85 billion to $90 billion revenue and VR $10 billion to $15 billion revenue by 2022.

Consumers are of the opinion that the sectors that are most interested in shopping with augmented reality are the following:

This opinion coincides with the current reality of the sectors, as they are the ones that are making the most progress in the use of this technology. It is no coincidence that the users’ opinion is related to the progress made by the companies, as not all products are so good for augmented reality. In this case, we see that the main reasons for achieving a good experience with AR are:

  • Better visualization of the product.
  • Quick purchase.
  • Health conditions (increased user interest due to Covid-19).
  • Increase the number of products available.
  • Increased use of new technologies by users.

Augmented Reality campaigns

Do you want to know how the most important brands implement Augmented Reality in their strategies? Here we show you a selection of the best advertising actions.

1 – Ikea

The Swedish company has implemented Augmented Reality with the aim that its users can check how the furniture fits in their home. In addition, they can adjust the size according to the dimensions of the space they wish to decorate.

2 – Coca Cola

In Spain, Coca-Cola launched a pioneering action connecting the prediction data with the bus route analysis of the Madrid EMT. When a bus arrived at a stop, the marquee screen was activated and the graffiti of one of its spots came to life thanks to the Augmented Reality.

3 – BBVA

This bank has launched the first app in the banking sector in Europe to allow the search of homes and give to the user recommended prices of purchase and rental for a specific property. Also it compares if it is more convenient to buy or rent.

4 – Sephora

To facilitate the online purchase of makeup, Sephora has created an App to test its products using the mobile camera, thus checking how it looks on you.

5- Mercedez Benz

Through the MBUX platform, an augmented reality technology allows the latest Mercedes models to follow the GPS directions on the map in a more visual way.

This method is very useful for safety at the wheel, as it offers a more visual solution to the GPS directions on the map that will help the driver to be more focused on the road.

The next step will be to add this augmented reality inside the vehicle’s moon, something that seems very futuristic but is already in development.


These examples show that Augmented Reality can satisfy many of the needs of consumers, and that is why from now on it will gain greater relevance in the digital world, as Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, claims: “Augmented Reality will be as important as eating three meals a day”.

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