As we enter the world of digital marketing and SEO positioning, we realize the importance of Keywords to our business. There are many articles on the importance of knowing how to choose keywords in SEO, for the organic positioning of our website. But how many do we really know what Keywords are and how to use them correctly for a particular market like that in Spain?
What are Keywords?
Keyword are those types of words that make up our content and that we consider to be reference to it. That is, a Keyword is so to speak that word that can tag your content.
Imagine, for example, that you are a shoe sales company in Madrid. Surely the Keywords you are most interested in positioning would be “Shoe Shop”, “Shoe Shop in Madrid”, “Where to buy slippers in Madrid” or “Best shoe store”. That is, there is no factor that determines that a Keyword is better or worse, the only criterion that matters is to put yourself in the buyer’s position and see that it would search Google.
How to choose a Keywords for SEO in Spain?
There are certain criteria that are key when choosing a Keyword. When you have your possible keywords chosen you will need to evaluate the quality and possibilities of it depending on the following criteria.
1. Volume searches
Search engines are the axis on which all queries that potential customers make revolve. When we talk about search volume in a keyword we mean the times that word has AIDS searched in that month.
There are a very large number of tools on the internet where you can find out what the search volume your keyword has. One of the most recommended in Ubersuggest, by the well-known Neil Patel.
As for the data that the tools throw at us, it serves as the orientation of those keywords.
We must also keep in mind that the more restrictive the data, the easier it will be to position it, but fewer visits will come to you. We give an example for you to get an idea about the volume of searches:
– “Shoe Shop”: Volume searches of 30,000
– “Madrid Shoe Shop”: Volume searches 10,000
– “Cheap and all-branded shoe store in Madrid”: Search volume 100
In these three examples, we see how we have two kinds of Keywords, some more restrictive and long, that would be called “Long tail” and others shorter and opener, which we consider “Short tail”.
At first glance we see how the first search may be the one that reaches us the most, but we will have a very big fight to position ourselves with that Keyword in top-3 of search engines. It will be very difficult to get visualization.
On the other side we have the third, a Keyword too precise that few people will reach. Surely the one that arrives on our page, but it will not be profitable at the quantitative level.
In the middle, we have the 10, 000 searches. There may be strong competition to position, but not as much as the first. However, our CTR is probably greater than 1% if we work that content well. That will make us have more than 100 visits of maximum volume of the third option.
2. Competition
As in almost any aspect of companies it is very important to take into account who you are going to compete against. It should be noted that in the previous point we have already seen that the volume of searches can indicate a little if it was a word with a lot of demand.
Usually, in a globalized world, where there is demand there is always a lot of supply. There are still tools that measure the difficulty of choose keywords in SEO. In very famous tools, usually paid, a data called KD (Keyword Difficulty) is reflected.
This key figure gives a concise data expressed in percentage. If that data is greater than 80% it is a very complicated word to fight for good positions. That is why words below 50% are recommended to have good results in less time.
3. Seasonality
It seems like something that is taken for a fact, but many times the data that shows us the statistics of the applications do not take into account these details.
When you take averages out of the months in terms of competition and search volume there are sometimes points where it can be very difficult for you to position your products. For example, Christmas sales of children’s toys will have a very large KD in which it will be very difficult to compete.
Our advice is to get ahead of those dates to get positioned beforehand.
4. Market
We need to have a broad understanding of the market in which we are competing to know which words can give us the most profitability. For example, if we have a local face-to-face sales business, but with internet activity, we will be interested in positioning that city within our Keyword.
That’s why adapting to the market we’re selling to is indispensable. For example, if we want to improve our SEO in Spain with an international product, it will be essential that we know the culture of that country, the way of talking about its inhabitants and the jargon of the area.
That is, it is not the same to sell in Spain some beachgoers as sports, depends on the area in which you want to position yourself there are some words that will make you have more searches than others.
Choose Keywords in SEO are a very important part of generating content. We need to be clear about what our words or terms are by which we want to be positioned.
Many times it is not given the importance it requires to SEO positioning and the content is left to chance. Creating content is vital to your organic positioning, but you’d better create less content but it’s better positioned.
Spend time studying your Keywords, looking at the competition, the market and the difficulty of the words you’re interested in. Once you’ve managed to locate your words to position, focus your content on them and give them the importance they deserve.
SEO is a long process with meticulous work, but if you are able to achieve it it is the most powerful and inexpensive way to reach the public.