Published On: 22/04/2021By Categories: Sin categorizar

Having a presence on the Internet is one of the pillars of companies and therefore a good website is an indispensable element for them. On the other hand, we live in the world of data, everything is counted and everything is studied, but one of the relevant data that should be useful for the analysis of your website is the bounce rate. Improve the bounce rate should not blind you in your analysis but it can be one of the solutions for you to stand out on the internet.

What is bounce rate?

Before we start with what we want to explain in this post we have to start by clarifying what we mean by bounce rate.

It is a simple term that gives us our website. From Google Analytics you can easily observe this percentage.

Well, when we talk about bounce rate we refer to people expressed as a percentage who have entered our website and have not decided to visit any other area of our website. That is, they have entered our page from a URL and have not consumed any more.

For a website, it is very important that the visits do not remain just that, as it gives the impression that your content has not been liked or simply does not fit the target audience. This also has a negative influence on the SEO of the company as Google considers it as a poorly worked or placed content. Improving your SEO can give you advantages when it comes to being found in the SERPs.

Now, how to calculate the bounce rate. We have already said that it was super simple, but it is even more so than you think:

  • (People who leave without interacting/total people) x 100

This formula will give you a percentage, for example. If out of 1000 visitors, 200 have left the page without interacting, the bounce rate will be 20%.

When is my bounce rate a problem?

When analysing the bounce rate, we must also take into account the type of website we have and what we want to achieve with it. It is not the same to have a website with a powerful blog as a website that is simply informative or does not intend to create content.

For example, a blog would be a good indicator to have a bounce rate below 60%, as it seeks to have a content that engages the public and that they can link to different content. Even so, this figure shows us how difficult it is to make your content relevant or to keep the public on your website.

On the other hand, a website such as an ecommerce or corporate website should have a much lower bounce rate. In this case we would be talking about rates of around 20%-30%.

This data is taken from Google Analytics for our website and it is also fair to say that many of the times that a visit is considered a bounce is not the case. That is why we must bear in mind that many of the data we obtain will have a percentage of error in our favour.

Improve your bounce rate

Now that we have explained what the bounce rate is and when we should worry about it, you will surely want to know how to improve it. Well, let’s get to it with a few tips to improve the bounce rate:

Configure Google Analytics

As we have said before, it is a good tool but it often gives us somewhat biased data. That is why we consider that it can be a good option to measure the bounce rate by the time a person is on our website.

Google Analytics sometimes puts very high times to collect this data and that is why we can adjust to our business what we consider a correct time for our bounce rate.

For example, in our case we consider that if we have managed to get you to stay with us for more than a minute you can be considered out of bounce rate.

With the following code added to the script you will be able to handle those times:

 “setTimeout(‘_gaq.push([\’_trackEvent’, ‘NoBounce’, ‘Over 30 seconds’)’,30000);”

Here is a link in case you want to see the final result of the code in Google Analytics.

Responsive web design

Nowadays a large number of visits are coming from mobile devices. Many companies err on the side of making their websites only optimised for computers and receive a very high bounce rate from visits from other devices.

Not being optimised makes reading slow, uncomfortable and causes rejection. Improve the bounce rate by making your website responsive and don’t lose your work, optimise your website.

Optimise your content and readability

SEO is very important for your website and that is why you need your content to be not only relevant to the customer, but also to add value.

Readability is one of the values that are also valued by Google when it comes to positioning your content. Make sure your sentences are not too long, do not speak too much in passive and that it is easily understandable.

Creates possibilities for further reading

It is very important that you manage to link your readings. That is, if you have a post in which you talk about Inbound Marketing, make sure that at the end or on the sides of the page there is other content of yours related to the topic read. With this you will get a greater impact of your content and get more out of it. Finally, it is also good that you have CTAs present on your pages and you can make customers react to content that seems good to them.

Loading times

The user experience on our website must be satisfactory. When the loading time is very slow, it can be related to the fact that the page is poorly managed or has simply crashed.

It is also another section that is valued by SEO, a low loading time Google loves.

If you want us to help you in your marketing strategy to improve the bounce rate or situations related to digital marketing, do not hesitate to contact us.

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