One of the most common advertising tools on SaaS is a free demo. 30 days or 15 days of a free product is usually enough to know if your product is useful and if the customer knows what is he buying before paying for it.
But a 30-day demo is not free. Maybe it cost you a minimal amount of money, but yet, there is an expense.
Let’s look at it with an analogy:
When a cheese shop offers free cheese samples in a supermarket, there is an expense. Little, and it pays for itself (or that’s the idea) but it costs money to the cheese shop. And every piece of cheese eaten by a person who decides not to buy the product is a piece of lost cheese.
In SaaS, the same thing happens with a customer who has used your demo and has not bought the product, but there is a difference: unlike with cheese in the supermarket, where the customer eats a piece of cheese, thanks the clerk and goes away, to use your demo they have provided a way to be contacted.
And this is the key:
Unlike cheese, which is instantly enjoyable, your demo is used for a short period, usually a week to 30 days. So talk to the customer. Tell him, before he leaves, that he can eat more of your cheese, to think about it. How?
Tell him how he’s going to get a profit
Tell him a success story about your clients. Tell him how much money a customer has earned thanks to you. Or, if your company doesn’t offer a service that can be translated directly into money, tell them that your client has saved so much time thanks to you, or has done something much more easily or has achieved to be in more markets…
The customer doesn’t care what you are or what you do. The customer cares about how you are going to serve them. In other words, they care about your value proposition.
Tell them how you have benefited others and how it will be profitable for them to buy your service.
Speak to you: make it easy
Sometimes we want to speak to someone but we don’t dare. Maybe to ask about a street, to know where they have bought a product, in a great array of situations, from flirting to chatting without any specific goal. We can even hesitate to ask something as simple as time.
However, if this person has contacted us first, it is easier. He has broken the ice, he has opened a door to communication, there is already an open channel and we already dare to speak with an unknown person.
So why we don’t make the same thing online? Let’s go back to the analogy of cheese sampling: if a customer says he doesn’t know whether to buy or not, the seller offers him or her another piece of cheese. This makes the customer taste the cheese better, makes him feel a little more committed to the company and, if the seller asks him if he liked it, a communication channel is opened.
Exactly the same happens with a SaaS company: do you want us to extend your trial period by another month? If you receive an offer like this and you want it, it is much easier for you to have answers to other questions such as: Have you had any difficulties? Is there anything that made you not to buy the product? How do you think my product can help you? etc.
This will serve to please the customer, but also to learn more about him and, therefore, get more information about how to meet their needs.
What if he goes away?
If he leaves, it’s harder for us to convince him to return. But don’t give up. If for every 100 people you write an e-mail after two weeks of leaving your product, one responds to you, either hiring your product or saying why he or she didn’t hire it, it’s useful information.
Also, writing and automatizing the e-mail is not going to add more work to you. One might think that writing to these lost customers is a risk. But what can you lose? The real risk is not writing to them, because you can lose the customer.
Not sure what to put in emails or how to address customers?, We are marketing and communication professionals, we can help you, contact us.