Many companies choose to have their own blog where they write about their business or related topics. Blogging is a very effective tool for getting customers to your business and positioning your website. Many variables will make you better at running your blog, but one is the frequency of publishing a post.
How often do you write a post?
We find blogs of all kinds and, to suit all tastes, there are different colours. In this case, we see how many companies choose to be very intensive and try to write content on their pages every day. Other times, it is thought that saturating the client with a lot of information is unnecessary and writing once a month is enough. In this case, this writing is usually longer and more complex than those who write daily.
So what is the best option?
The answer is, it depends. You should make a previous analysis of the characteristics of your company to know what is the most optimal for it. Below, we are going to explain some of those characteristics that we consider important to know the frequency that your blog needs:
As we have mentioned, some businesses blog frequently, which does not mean they are doing things better. These businesses simply have a product in which customers must be kept up to date with the latest developments in the sector.
That’s why we need to do a prior analysis of what our content is going to be like and then adapt the frequency of each blog post. If we have content that customers can follow daily, it will be optimal to consider doing it continuously.
On the other hand, if our business is based on occasional content that helps the customer in certain processes or detailed information, it will be better to opt for more elaborate content, but less frequent.
What your audience is like
Another important variable to analyse, and this should be done over time, is what your audience is like.
- Do they spend a lot of time on your site?
- What kind of user do you have?
- Do they read related content?
- Are they regular users?
- What is their bounce rate?
These are some of the many questions we can ask ourselves when getting to know our client. Now let’s say, for example, that you have a professional audience, who are fully dedicated to their work and who want solutions to their problems. These clients will be more demanding, they want content that doesn’t waste their time and is direct, therefore, the less intensive writing format will be more suitable for them. Good content with a lower frequency will be ideal.
At the other point we can have a less demanding audience of a business that is more dedicated to leisure or with customers looking for entertainment. In this case it is a public that has more free time, they do not mind investing their time in reading articles on their favourite subjects and they enjoy it. In this case we will have to provide a more intensive writing service, making posts more often and having content that will make them stay on our website.
Company resources
In the previous points we have looked outside the company to adapt to it, but now it is our turn to look inside. We must take into account our availability to write content as we cannot devote all our time to it.
Therefore, the previous points are at the expense of this one. The availability we have will mark the future of our blog. This is something we must emphasise.
If perhaps our business is suited to intensive writing but we don’t have the capacity to write more than two posts a week, that’s fine. There will be other benefits for being less frequent.
Does frequency really matter?
When we talk about the frequency of publishing a post on your blog, we are encompassing many variables for that frequency to be a lot or not.
From our point of view, a content strategy should be based on time. You must see how your audience reacts to the impacts that you offer them and from there control the frequency that would be correct. Once you know what frequency is good for you to work with, look at your company and assess whether it is possible to follow it.
Therefore, the frequency of publishing a post is not the most important thing. Work on your blog, have good content, try to be consistent and not spend too much time without writing and renew your old content. By taking care of these details you will be sure to have interesting content for a good amount of people.