Published On: 04/12/2020By Categories: Sin categorizar

One of the most fashionable actions is to outsource certain aspects of your company so that another fully dedicated to him or can do it. There are many reasons why it is thought that it can be positive for a SaaS business to be able to outsource some aspect of the company.

Companies usually have one or more field in which they are specialized. In those, they do things right and take advantage of their know-how. But can they do the same in all fields where a business needs to be optimized?

The answer is clear, not in the same way. That is, they can do a decent job in fields that do not dominate, but will not attract attention and surely do not achieve results. They’ll just get out of the way.

Reasons to outsource to SaaS

Below are some of the clearest benefits of outsourcing:


If we need help in any of the areas in which we are going to outsource it is because we are not experts in them.

Having an outsourced team means that we have a group of specialists who will take care of the work in which we cannot do it correctly and from which, we aim to get the most out of it.

Time savings

Knowledge is a very valuable feature that requires a great temporal process, especially if we are talking about experts or specialists. Therefore, if we do not outsource services, we must bear in mind that learning to do all the things that a specialist is going to do to us will make an effort in a great time.

Apart from this, the money involved in outsourcing a team is usually lower than that of the learning process.


Usually, when hiring an outsourcing service, we hire a team, which will have its virtues and its flaws. By this, we mean that each person is probably very good at something and we will have no problems in the execution.

Having a multifunctional team will open immense business options as they will be able to advise us on various improvements.


In addition to the above, outsourcing offers very large advantages in terms of procurement. In today’s society, we must have a great adaptation to change. With such contracts you don’t have to worry about finishing a job, the contractual relationship will be terminated.

However, when hiring for your business internally, it is difficult to achieve this flexibility. Workers often demand job stability that often does not match the interests of the company.

What to do when I want to outsource

When I have managed to realize that I want to outsource some service of my company I must get to work and get to carry out a strategy that helps me to do it optimally.

Analyze your situation

You should be aware of what situation your company is in and in which departments it would be more favourable to perform this outsourcing.

You must consider the expenses you want to make, the internal values or capabilities you have within your company… Etc.

Once you have analyzed all of this, define clear objectives:

  • Spending cut
  • New technologies
  • Decrease initial investment
  • Please allow your company to take advantage of what you already have

It will be a good start to set certain limits in these fields, so that, even if it is an external service, it is as affordable and integrable as possible.

Closeness to the company that will perform the services

We enter one of the most common failures that consumers have, contract, and forget. It will be a serious mistake to think that with the monthly/annual amounts you are going to pay the company, the work will be finished.

Don’t fall for this error and try to do the following to avoid it:

  • Educate the supplier, integrate it into your company’s culture and values.
  • Set objectives
  • Make the responsibilities of each party clear.
  • Have effective communication channels for internal-external equipment.

Don’t be in a hurry to choose the company that will perform the services, keep in mind that they can damage your brand image if the choice is bad.

Research the outsourcing market

It will be something new for you, but you need to be aware of the challenges that result from outsourcing a service:

  • Payment methods: Most use fixed-price methods, as payments are made after the services are finished. Still, rate the other options as monthly methods. Ensure that these methods are optimal for operation.
  • Materials: You must make clear the use or need of the materials. This can affect the price depending on which of the two parties get that material. In this case in technology industries, they may be online materials or certain applications necessary for the development of the activity.
  • Incentives or rewards: Being companies that often work under the objectives we have set, we must know whether or not we are interested in establishing certain “prizes” for achieving objectives that we think are satisfactory to achieve for both parties.

Assess risks

In this relationship we must be cautious because even if we have confidence with the other company, they are recommended or any favourable situation to lower caution, there may be problems.

We need to consider what potential damages may be from one company to another to have clear rules to follow. In the case of online companies, we talk about legal risks, data treatment, CSR…


Outsourcing certain areas of our company can be very positive for the growth of this. Likewise, we must be very careful when choosing who will be the ones who will get on our boat.

A good choice will make us have a fruitful relationship for both parties, which will not tie us up in the long term and which can generate many benefits for us.

If you would like more information about outsourcing, please contact us.

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